Diamond tools represent a large portion of total drilling costs. As any other precision equipment they should be used with proper care. Below are some basic principles for proper use and care of diamond drilling tools.


1-     Oil, pack and safely store diamond tools when they are not in use.


2-     Avoid dropping diamond tools. Even though diamond is the hardest substance known, it is brittle like glass.


3-     Do not allow wrench jaws to touch diamonds in bits and reaming shells.


4-     Use a diamond reaming shell to increase the life of the diamond bit and the core barrel.


5-     Use an old bit to collar-in a hole.


6-     Avoid using drill rods which are two sizes smaller than the bit size. Such use of AW rods with N size bits will cause vibrations and require excessive volume of drilling fluid.


7-     Grease core barrels and drill rods to prevent vibrations.


8-     Tighten drill rod joints and wick when necessary. Drilling fluids may escape through such weak joints, and the bit may burn due to lack of sufficient coolant.


9-     Flush the remaining cuttings from the hole before the bit reaches the bottom and attain circulation before starting to drill.


10-  Run a new bit at moderate rpm and slow feed for the first centimeters to give the diamonds a chance to seat themselves.


11-  Stop a new bit 10-15 cm from the bottom and drill to the bottom, since an old bit is usually under gauge.


12-  Keep an eye on the penetration rate to prevent the polishing of the bit.


13-  Avoid grinding of core, since it will destroy the bit.


14-  Always use a core catcher. Dry blocking of the core is destructive to the diamonds.


15-  Use a TC bit or a chopping bit to remove lost core. Running over loose core is destructive to the bit.